Monday, February 1, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 2: Temporary escape

There are really hard times when people  feel like their life is heading to no where. What people need or can help them is to think and reevaluate things and try to relax. However, people can do things that could make them happy such as bonding with family and friends, or being close with nature. I think that is why people look for a escape. However, whenever i feel like my life is going through struggle and feel like my life is turning down, I will go out to eat with my family amd have fun. My favorite scape could be a soccer field and a ball,  I think soccer is the cure for me. Soccer had been helping me to realize that i have to work harder if i want to have succes.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post! Great Job!

  2. Nice one, it's no surprise that one who is athletic finds his or her escape on the field. I am not able to relate to that place but it makes sense for you.
